4 Things You Should Not Do When Your Farm Animal is Pregnant 


4 Things You Should Not Do When Your Farm Animal is Pregnant 


Taking care of your farm animals can be a very fulfilling experience but when they become pregnant you will need to pay extra attention to them during this period because a lot of things could go wrong that could affect the life of the animal.


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Here are 4 things you should not do when your animal is pregnant:-


The use of drugs should be avoided as much as possible particularly the use of antibiotics to avoid birth defects, an under +developed fetus or cause problems with the skeletal muscle of the animal. Drugs should only be given if the potential benefit justifies a potential risk to the animal.

Avoid the use of chemicals on the skin to avoid external parasites.

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Reduce any form of stress whatsoever. Limit movement and visitors to the animal pens and to the farm, also reduce the activity of the animal as much as you can.

Have a veterinary doctor on consultant bases incase you notice anything unusual that you can quickly call.

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