21 practices of very wise poultry farmers that you should copy 


21 practices of very wise poultry farmers that you should copy 




1. Follow industry best practices: Keep up-to-date with the latest research and trends in poultry farming, and apply best practices to your operation.

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2. Use high-quality feed: Invest in high-quality feed that meets the nutritional needs of your birds. This can improve egg production and quality, as well as bird health.


3. Implement biosecurity measures: Implement biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of diseases among your flock. This includes limiting access to the poultry house, using disinfectants, and limiting contact between birds and other animals.


4. Monitor bird health: Monitor bird health regularly to identify and treat any issues early. This can reduce mortality rates and improve overall bird health.

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5. Keep detailed records: Keep detailed records of expenses, income, and production data for each flock. This will help you identify areas of waste and opportunities for improvement.


6. Optimize housing conditions: Ensure that your poultry house has proper ventilation, lighting, and temperature control to reduce stress and improve bird health.

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7. Choose the right breed: Choose a breed that is well-suited for your climate, production goals, and market demand.


8. Implement a vaccination program: Implement a vaccination program to protect your flock from common diseases.


9. Manage manure properly: Properly manage manure to prevent ammonia buildup and respiratory issues. Improper manure management can also result in environmental contamination.


10. Maintain a clean environment: Keep the environment clean and free from pests, such as rodents and insects, to reduce disease risk and improve bird health.


11. Implement proper waste disposal procedures: Implement proper waste disposal procedures, such as composting or recycling, to reduce environmental impact and comply with regulations.


12. Keep up with regulatory requirements: Keep up with regulatory requirements and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.


13. Control production costs: Implement cost-saving measures, such as reducing waste and optimizing feed conversion rates, to improve profitability.


14. Invest in equipment: Invest in high-quality equipment, such as feeders, waterers, and egg collection systems, to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs.

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15. Develop a marketing strategy: Develop a marketing strategy to promote your products and differentiate yourself from the competition.


16. Network with other farmers: Network with other farmers to share knowledge and learn from each other.


17. Hire and train qualified staff: Hire and train staff who are knowledgeable and experienced in poultry farming to ensure high-quality care for your birds.


18. Continuously educate yourself: Continuously educate yourself on new trends, technologies, and best practices in poultry farming.

READ ALSO 10 things to keep doing to get the most out of your poultry brooding operations 

19. Develop contingency plans: Develop contingency plans for unforeseen events, such as weather events or disease outbreaks, to minimize losses and ensure business continuity.


20. Establish relationships with suppliers and buyers: Establish relationships with suppliers and buyers to ensure a reliable supply chain and market for your products.


21. Seek professional advice: Seek professional advice from veterinarians, accountants, and other experts to ensure that your operation is running efficiently and effectively.



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