12 nutritional problems of poultry and the way out 


12 nutritional problems of poultry and the way out 


1) Vitamin A deficiency: Lack of vitamin A can lead to reduced fertility, weakened immunity, and vision problems. To prevent this, provide a diet rich in vitamin A sources such as leafy greens, carrots, and liver.



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2) Vitamin D deficiency: Lack of vitamin D can cause rickets, a condition that affects bone development and causes skeletal deformities. To prevent this, provide a diet with adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus and exposure to sunlight.



3) Vitamin E deficiency: Lack of vitamin E can impair the immune system and lead to muscular dystrophy. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of vitamin E such as wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, and almonds.

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4) Vitamin K deficiency: Lack of vitamin K can cause hemorrhaging and blood clotting problems. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of vitamin K such as green leafy vegetables and alfalfa.


5) Thiamine deficiency: Lack of thiamine can cause neurological problems and muscle weakness. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of thiamine such as whole grains, beans, and meat.


6) Riboflavin deficiency: Lack of riboflavin can cause slow growth, poor feathering, and eye problems. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of riboflavin such as dairy products, meat, and whole grains.

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7) Niacin deficiency: Lack of niacin can cause poor growth, skin lesions, and neurological problems. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of niacin such as meat, fish, and whole grains.


8) Pantothenic acid deficiency: Lack of pantothenic acid can cause poor growth, skin lesions, and neurological problems. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of pantothenic acid such as meat, whole grains, and legumes.


9) Pyridoxine deficiency: Lack of pyridoxine can cause neurological problems and poor feathering. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of pyridoxine such as meat, whole grains, and legumes.

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10) Biotin deficiency: Lack of biotin can cause poor feathering and skin problems. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of biotin such as egg yolks, liver, and soybeans.


11) Choline deficiency: Lack of choline can cause poor growth and liver problems. To prevent this, provide a diet with sources of choline such as egg yolks, liver, and soybeans.

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12) Mineral deficiencies: Lack of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iodine can cause skeletal deformities, poor egg quality, and goiter, respectively. To prevent this, provide a diet with adequate levels of these minerals and ensure access to clean water and minerals.



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