7 problematic things about poultry broilers farming





7 problematic things about poultry broilers farming


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1. High water usage: Poultry broilers farming requires significant amounts of water for drinking, cleaning, and cooling systems, which can strain local water resources.



2. Environmental pollution: The production of large amounts of manure and wastewater can lead to environmental pollution, including water contamination and air pollution.

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3. Animal welfare concerns: Poultry broilers farming has been criticized for its treatment of animals, including overcrowding, stress, and inhumane conditions.


4. Health risks: Poultry broilers farming can pose health risks to consumers, including the spread of diseases such as salmonella and campylobacter.

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5. High energy consumption: Poultry broilers farming requires significant amounts of energy for heating, cooling, and lighting, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.

6. Dependence on antibiotics: The poultry industry’s reliance on antibiotics to promote growth and prevent disease has contributed to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

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7. Labor exploitation: Poultry broilers farming has been linked to labor exploitation, including low wages, long working hours, and poor working conditions.

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These are just a few of the problematic things about poultry broilers farming. It’s important to note that not all farms engage in these practices, and some are working to improve their sustainability and animal welfare standards.

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