15 “did you know” facts on cassava management:




15 “did you know” facts on cassava management:



1. Did you know that cassava is a drought-tolerant crop, making it ideal for water-scarce areas?

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2. Did you know that proper soil preparation and fertilization can improve cassava yields?


3. Did you know that cassava is a low-maintenance crop, requiring minimal inputs?

4. Did you know that regular weeding can improve cassava growth and reduce pest and disease pressure?

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5. Did you know that proper harvesting techniques can improve tuber quality and reduce damage?

6. Did you know that cassava can be grown as a perennial crop, reducing the need for frequent replanting?

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7. Did you know that implementing a robust pest and disease management program can help reduce losses?

8. Did you know that proper storage techniques can improve tuber shelf life and reduce post-harvest losses?

9. Did you know that cassava can be used as a food source for humans and animals, as well as for industrial purposes?

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10. Did you know that proper crop rotation can improve soil fertility and reduce pest and disease pressure?

11. Did you know that cassava is a good cover crop, improving soil health and reducing erosion?

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12. Did you know that regular monitoring of soil moisture can improve irrigation management?

13. Did you know that proper handling and transportation can reduce tuber damage and improve marketability?

14. Did you know that cassava can be processed into various products, such as flour, starch, and animal feed?

15. Did you know that proper record keeping and data analysis can help improve cassava yields and farm management?

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These “did you know” facts highlight important aspects of cassava management, from soil preparation and pest management to harvesting and storage techniques.




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