Management based diseases of poultry and what to do



Management based diseases of poultry and what to do


Management-based diseases in poultry are caused by poor management practices, such as:


1. Overcrowding: Leads to stress, disease transmission, and reduced immune function.

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Solution: Ensure adequate space per bird (at least 2-3 square feet).



2. Poor ventilation: Causes respiratory problems and ammonia buildup.

Solution: Install proper ventilation systems and maintain good air quality.


3. Inadequate nutrition: Leads to malnutrition, weakened immune systems, and disease susceptibility.

Solution: Provide balanced and nutritious feed, and ensure access to fresh water.

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4. Lack of sanitation and hygiene: Spreads disease-causing pathogens.

Solution: Implement regular cleaning and disinfection protocols.

READ ALSO 7 important tips on poultry farm biosecurity

5. Inadequate vaccination and health programs: Leaves birds unprotected against diseases.

Solution: Develop and follow a comprehensive vaccination and health program.


6. Stress: Weakened immune systems and increased disease susceptibility.

Solution: Minimize stress through gentle handling, adequate space, and comfortable environments.

7. Poor brooding practices: Leads to chilled or overheated chicks, causing stress and disease.

Solution: Ensure proper brooding temperatures, humidity, and ventilation.

READ ALSO 5 winning mindsets for poultry broilers farming business

8. Inadequate biosecurity: Allows disease-causing pathogens to enter the flock.

Solution: Implement strict biosecurity measures, including visitor control and proper equipment sanitation.

Invest in this knowledge-packed ebook promptly. 👉 20 questions to ask your poultry farm manager everyday 

9. Lack of monitoring and record-keeping: Fails to detect disease outbreaks early.

Solution: Regularly monitor bird health and maintain accurate records.

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10. Inadequate pest control: Allows pests to spread disease and compete for feed.

Solution: Implement effective pest control measures, such as rodent control and fly management.


Once you take care of these management-based diseases, you will reduce the risk of disease outbreaks, promote healthy birds, and improve overall flock productivity.


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