5 very important points on sheep lamb survival




5 very important points on sheep lamb survival



1. Colostrum intake: Ensure lambs receive high-quality colostrum within the first few hours of birth, providing essential antibodies and nutrients for growth and immunity.

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2. Hydration and nutrition: Provide adequate milk or milk replacer, and monitor for proper hydration and nutrition to support growth and development.

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3. Temperature control: Maintain a warm environment (around 60-70°F) for the first few weeks, as lambs are sensitive to cold stress.

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4. Health monitoring: Regularly check lambs for signs of illness, such as diarrhea, lethargy, or labored breathing, and seek veterinary care promptly if issues arise.

5. Shelter and protection: Ensure lambs have access to a safe, dry, and draft-free shelter, and protect them from predators, harsh weather conditions, and ewe mis-mothering.

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Additionally, consider:

– Monitoring for signs of hypothermia and taking action promptly

– Ensuring proper vaccination and parasite control measures

– Monitoring for signs of nutritional deficiencies and taking corrective action

– Providing adequate bonding time between ewe and lamb to prevent rejection


Remember, attention to these critical factors can significantly impact sheep lamb survival rates and overall health.

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