7 critical areas in cassava farming



7 critical areas in cassava farming


1. Variety selection: Choosing high-yielding, disease-resistant, and climate-tolerant cassava varieties is crucial for optimal production.



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2. Soil preparation: Ensuring well-draining, fertile soil with optimal pH levels is essential for healthy cassava growth.


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3. Planting and spacing: Proper planting techniques, including spacing and depth, can impact cassava yields and tuber quality.

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4. Pest and disease management: Effective management of pests and diseases, such as cassava mosaic virus and green mites, is critical to prevent losses.

5. Water management: Adequate moisture, especially during tuber formation, is essential for optimal yields, but excessive water can lead to rot and other issues.

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6. Fertilization and nutrient management: Providing balanced nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, can enhance cassava growth and yields.


7. Post-harvest handling: Proper harvesting, curing, and storage techniques can reduce losses and improve the quality of cassava tubers for market or processing.

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