Some guidelines on when to stop feeding your catfish



Some guidelines on when to stop feeding your catfish


1. At 6-8 months of age: Catfish typically reach market size and are harvested at this age.



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2. When target weight is reached: Catfish are usually grown to a specific weight, and feeding can be stopped when this weight is achieved.


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3. When water temperature drops: Feeding can be reduced or stopped when water temperature drops below 50°F (10°C), as catfish metabolism slows down.

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4. During winter months: Feeding can be reduced or stopped during winter months when catfish are dormant.

5. When feed conversion ratio declines: If the feed conversion ratio (FCR) declines, indicating inefficient feed use, it may be time to stop feeding.

READ ALSO 5 ways to manage bacterial diseases in catfish effectively

6. When health issues arise: If catfish develop health issues, such as disease or parasites, it may be necessary to stop feeding.


7. Before harvesting: Feeding can be stopped 1-2 weeks before harvesting to reduce feed costs and improve water quality.


Note: The specific guidelines may vary depending on factors like breed, management system, and market conditions. Consult with an aquaculture expert or veterinarian for personalized advice.

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