Who should be responsible for the success of your Cassava farm and why?



Who should be responsible for the success of your Cassava farm and why?


The individuals responsible for the success of a cassava farm



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1. Farm Manager: Oversees the entire operation, makes key decisions, and ensures goals are met.



2. Agronomist: Develops and implements optimal cassava cultivation practices.

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3. Soil Scientist: Analyzes and improves soil health for optimal cassava growth.


4. Irrigation Specialist: Manages water resources and irrigation systems.

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5. Farm Workers: Carry out daily tasks such as planting, weeding, and harvesting.


6. Maintenance Staff: Ensure equipment and facilities are in good working order.


7. Marketing Manager: Finds buyers for the cassava and negotiates prices.

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8. Financial Manager: Manages the farm’s finances, including budgeting and accounting.


9. Pest and Disease Manager: Monitors and controls pests and diseases affecting cassava.


10. Owner/Investor: Provides financial support and makes strategic decisions.


Additionally, the following individuals may also play a crucial role:


1. Processing Plant Manager (if processing cassava into products): Oversees processing operations.


2. Quality Control Specialist: Monitors and ensures the quality of cassava products.


3. Regulatory Compliance Officer: Ensures the farm meets all relevant regulations and standards.

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4. Research and Development Specialist: Develops new cassava varieties and cultivation techniques.


5. Extension Services Specialist: Provides training and support to farmers on best practices.


Each person plays a vital role in the success of the cassava farm, from cultivation to marketing and processing.




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