7 reasons why many cassava producers are shortchanged



7 reasons why many cassava producers are shortchanged


1. Inadequate Market Research and Price Negotiation


– Lack of understanding of market demand and supply

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– Insufficient price negotiation skills


– Failure to explore alternative markets

– Limited access to market information

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2. Poor Quality Seeds and Inputs

– Substandard seed quality

– Inadequate fertilizers and pesticides

– Limited access to improved varieties

– Over-reliance on single suppliers


3. Inefficient Farm Management Practices

– Inadequate soil preparation

– Poor planting and harvesting techniques

– Ineffective pest and disease control

– Inefficient irrigation management

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4. Lack of Transparency in Pricing and Payment

– Unclear pricing structures

– Hidden charges or markups

– Limited access to price information

– Delayed payments

5. Unfair Contract Terms with Buyers or Middlemen

– Unfavorable contract terms

– Limited bargaining power

– Lack of contract negotiation skills

– Unfair pricing and payment structures

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6. Inadequate Processing and Value Addition

– Limited access to processing facilities

– Inefficient processing techniques

– Lack of value addition strategies

– Limited market access for processed products


7. Limited Access to Financing and Government Support

– Limited access to credit facilities

– High interest rates

– Insufficient government subsidies

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– Lack of access to training and capacity-building programs


Additional factors that may contribute to cassava producers being shortchanged include:

– Climate change and environmental factors

– Limited access to technology and innovation

– Inadequate market infrastructure

– Poor transportation networks

– Limited access to extension services


To address these challenges, cassava producers may consider:

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– Seeking professional advice and training

– Joining cassava associations and cooperatives

– Investing in technology and innovation

– Developing strategic partnerships with suppliers and buyers

– Engaging with government agencies and policymakers



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