Four tips to improve pig feeding for better growth


Pigs are known for being low-maintenance livestock. However, a specialized skill that is required when taking care of pigs is knowing how to feed them.

In today’s lecture, we will be sharing some tips on what areas to consider when feeding your pigs. This article is important because not knowing how to optimally conduct feeding practices can be detrimental to your bottom line in the long run. Feed can be expensive, even though they say pigs can eat just about anything! Also, you do not want to be in the habit of wastefulness as a farmer who is looking to be profitable in the long run. Hence, it is important to learn how to conduct proper feeding for your pigs.

  1. Reconsidering feeders

Feeder systems conveniently offer farmers the option to fill and forget, as pigs can feed on-demand with minimal refills. Unfortunately, bugs, rodents and rainwater may get into the feed, which could then spoil the rations and lead to dumping. This is what we mean by waste affecting your profitability!

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Establish feeding times—either twice a day, or three times—and simply pour the feed out on a dry piece of earth.


2. Plan your land

If you want to pasture pigs, it is important that the land that they graze on is planned.
Give your pigs plenty to forage in their pasture, be it grass or woods. This will keep them entertained. Also, nuts and fruit treats once in a while could also improve the flavour of the pork, so you could consider having those around your land area if you can afford to plant them.

READ ALSO: Check out these key facts on feeding pigs

3. Water Access

You need to provide your pigs with constant access to fresh, clean water. Many watering options exist, but the most important thing is to keep your pigs hydrated. Thirst can kill a pig in a short amount of time. Also, check on your pigs often to make sure they haven’t turned their drinking water into mud pits for wallowing.

4. Supplementing Feed/Making your own Recipe

If you’re dissatisfied with your growth rate or the quality of your feed-store mix, you could try crafting your own feed mix. The exact recipe is something to discuss with a nutritionist or veterinarian. In general, pig feed can be made from protein-heavy ground corn and soymeal, then mixed with ingredients such as diatomaceous earth, vitamins and trace minerals (VTM, sometimes sold as “swine grower”), fishmeal, trace mineral salt and sea kelp. You can try to switch things up once in a while to ensure that you are giving your pigs the best diet for maximum growth.

VIDEO: How to make pigs grow faster and bigger


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