3 Causes of Coughing in Pigs and Steps to Take 2


3 Causes of Coughing in Pigs and Steps to Take 2


2. Bordetella Bronchiseptica Causes Pig Coughing and Sneezing


Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterial disease that causes pig coughing and sneezing. Other symptoms of this infection in pigs are tear staining, epistaxis (nosebleed), fever of up to 104 F, and anorexia or extreme weight loss in pigs.

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The pigs’ upper and lower respiratory tracts suffer the most from this pig respiratory infection. Unlike most other porcine respiratory diseases, this bacteria has a rapid onset and presents clinical symptoms as early as two to three days after exposure. This nasty bacteria causes two major disorders in pigs, namely, Bordetella rhinitis and Bordetella bronchitis.



Pigs of any age are susceptible to bordetella organism, however, it is more commonly seen in young pigs. If their immune systems are strong, the antibodies should help fight the infection.

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However, the Bordetella organism makes the pig susceptible to other respiratory-related ailments and diseases if their immune system is weakened Bordetella bronchiseptica also causes inflammation of a pig’s airways, resulting in mucus build-up and coughing fits. The disease can lead to pulmonary infection and even death (worst-case scenario).

Bordetella bronchiseptica is highly contagious and can spread quickly through your herd. Bacteria can spread through contact with an infected pig or aerosols with infected droplets sprayed through sneezing and coughing.


The organism can survive for several months inside an infected pig. It can also most likely stay in humid conditions, moist surfaces, and water-rich soil. This means the disease can also be spread through fomites (clothing, objects, and vehicles). ​​


Essentially, poor facilities and biosecurity, overcrowding, stress and inadequate nutrition are all factors that contribute to an outbreak of BB.

Symptoms of Bordetella Bronchiseptica

Look out for these symptoms if you suspect your pig has Bordetella bronchiseptica:

Excessive sneezing (especially in piglets)

Excessive Coughing

Tear staining

Epistaxis (nosebleed)

Fever of 104F

Anorexia or extreme weight loss

READ ALSO 3 Causes of Coughing in Pigs and Steps to Take  1

Treating and Preventing Bordetella Bronchiseptica in Pigs

After weaning, give your pigs antibiotics in their feed, such as Trimethoprim.

Regular vaccination with formalin can prevent the disease if used over a long time.

Apply the All-In-All-Out management system.

Ensure good ventilation.

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Quarantine pigs to avoid spreading the disease if any of your pigs show symptoms

Antibiotic treatment can help manage the symptoms of Bordetella Bronchiseptica in pigs. However, it’s important to note that BB is resistant to Ceftiofur and trimethoprim-sulfonamide combinations. Antibiotics such as Chlortetracycline help reduce the symptoms associated with BB, but they’re unsuccessful in clearing the respiratory tract infection.


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