11 basic tips on piglet survival




11 basic tips on piglet survival



1. Proper sow nutrition: Ensure the sow is well-nourished before and during pregnancy to promote healthy piglet development.

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2. Clean and safe farrowing environment: Provide a clean, dry, and safe space for farrowing and piglet care.


3. Proper birth weight: Monitor piglet birth weights to ensure they are within a healthy range (2.5-4 kg).

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4. Colostrum intake: Ensure piglets receive adequate colostrum within the first few hours of life.

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5. Temperature control: Maintain a comfortable temperature range (24-28°C) for piglets in the farrowing pen.


6. Adequate milk supply: Ensure the sow has an adequate milk supply to meet the needs of her piglets.

7. Monitoring and intervention: Regularly monitor piglet health and intervene early if signs of distress or illness are detected.

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8. Proper weaning: Wean piglets at the appropriate age (around 21-28 days) to minimize stress and promote healthy growth.


9. Vaccination and health management: Implement a vaccination program and maintain good health management practices to prevent disease.

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10. Proper housing and bedding: Provide comfortable and dry housing with appropriate bedding to prevent health issues.


11. Regular weighing and monitoring: Regularly weigh and monitor piglet growth to identify any potential issues early.

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