15 “did you know” facts on sheep and goat management




15 “did you know” facts on sheep and goat management



1. Did you know that proper fencing and enclosure can help prevent escape and predation?

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2. Did you know that regular hoof trimming can improve animal comfort and reduce lameness?


3. Did you know that proper nutrition and feeding can improve growth and reproductive performance?

4. Did you know that regular parasite control can reduce disease and improve animal health?

5. Did you know that proper vaccination and health programs can help prevent disease?

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6. Did you know that adequate shelter and bedding can improve animal comfort and reduce stress?

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7. Did you know that regular monitoring of animal behavior and health can help identify potential issues early?

8. Did you know that proper breeding and selection can improve flock productivity and quality?

9. Did you know that regular shearing can improve animal comfort and reduce heat stress?

10. Did you know that proper kid or lamb care can improve growth and survival rates?

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11. Did you know that implementing a robust biosecurity program can help prevent disease and improve animal health?

12. Did you know that regular cleaning and disinfection of equipment can help prevent disease?

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13. Did you know that monitoring and managing pasture quality can improve animal nutrition and health?

14. Did you know that proper handling and transportation can reduce stress and improve animal welfare?

15. Did you know that regular monitoring of animal growth and performance can help identify areas for improvement?

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These “did you know” facts highlight important aspects of sheep and goat management, from animal health and nutrition to breeding and predator control.




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