4 obstacles to overcome in setting up a sheep and goat farming business




4 obstacles to overcome in setting up a sheep and goat farming business



1. Predation and security: Sheep and goats are vulnerable to predators such as coyotes, wolves, and rustlers, which can result in significant losses. Effective fencing, guarding, and security measures are essential.

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2. Parasite and disease management: Sheep and goats are susceptible to internal and external parasites, as well as diseases like scrapie and caprine arthritis. Implementing effective parasite control and disease prevention measures is crucial.

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3. Nutrition and feeding challenges: Sheep and goats have specific nutritional requirements, and providing optimal feed and nutrition can be a challenge, particularly in areas with limited grazing land or feed resources.

4. Market access and competition: The market for sheep and goat products can be competitive, and

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accessing profitable markets may require significant marketing efforts and establishing relationships with buyers.

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By understanding and addressing these obstacles, you can better navigate the challenges of setting up a successful sheep and goat farming business.

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