some guidelines on when to stop feeding your pigs



some guidelines on when to stop feeding your pigs


1. At 5-7 months of age: Pigs typically reach market weight and are processed at this age.



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2. When target weight is reached: Pigs are usually grown to a specific weight, and feeding can be stopped when this weight is achieved.



3. When feed conversion ratio declines: If the feed conversion ratio (FCR) declines, indicating inefficient feed use, it may be time to stop feeding.


4. When health issues arise: If pigs develop health issues, such as disease or lameness, it may be necessary to stop feeding.

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5. During processing preparation: Feeding can be stopped 12-24 hours before processing to reduce feed costs and improve processing efficiency.

6. At the end of the grow-out period: Pigs have a specific grow-out period, and feeding can be stopped when this period ends.

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7. When feed costs exceed revenue: If the cost of feed exceeds the revenue generated from meat sales, it may be time to stop feeding.


Additionally, consider the following:

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– Stop feeding pigs when they reach a weight range of 250-300 pounds (113-136 kg), depending on the breed and market requirements.

– Consider stopping feeding pigs during extreme weather conditions, such as heat stress or cold stress.

– Consult with a veterinarian or swine nutritionist to determine the optimal feeding schedule for your specific operation.


Note: The specific guidelines may vary depending on factors like breed, management system, and market conditions.

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