Check out the functions of feed ingredients to help you succeed better in farming


Check out the functions of feed ingredients to help you succeed better in farming


  1. Crude Protein

Function- Building blocks for all protein containing material in the body – primarily muscle and connective tissue, milk, fibre, blood, certain enzymes and hormones.

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  1. Carbohydrates / Starches

Function- Supplies the day to day energy for “running” the body’s whole metabolism

  1. Fats & Oils

Function-Supplies extra energy during times in which the carbohydrates are too few; Stores surplus energy as body fat; Necessary for the function of certain vitamins and enzymes.

  1. Crude Fibre

Function- Contains some carbohydrates and starches that can be utilized by some animals.   The roughage aspect of this fraction helps to keep the gut working properly.

Read Also: 21 Animal Nutrition Terms Every Serious Farmer Should Know Part 1

  1. Minerals –

Ca or calcium

Function- 99% of the Ca in the body is found in the bone and teeth.   Essential for the normal functioning of the heart and skeletal muscles. Essential in the activity of the enzyme system. Also involved in the coagulation of blood.

P or phosporus

Function- 80- 85% of the P in the body is found in the bone and teeth.   Essential for the energy metabolism of the body. Essential for balancing the acidity of the body fluids.

K or pottassium

Function- Important in carbohydrate metabolism as well as nerve and muscle function. Also essential for the general balancing of fluids in the body. Urine contains high levels of K.

Na or sodium

Function-Plays a role in transmission of nerve impulses and in the absorption of sugar and protein from the digestive tract. Essential in the balance of the body fluid and maintenance of muscle tone.

Cl or chloride

Function- Chemical component of digestive juices- it aid digestion. Essential in the balance of the body fluid and maintenance of muscle tone

Mg or magnessium

Function- Activator for many different enzymes.

Plays a role in balancing body fluids.

S or sulphur

Function- Essential for the formation of S-containing proteins. Wool contains high levels of Sulphur.   Essential for hormone and enzyme functions.

Fe or iron

Function- Essential part of the haemoglobin molecule that carries the oxygen in the blood.   Is either part of or activates a number of enzyme systems.


Function- In general they are either a part of or help to activate the enzyme and co-enzyme systems of the body. Vitamins are essential for all aspects of energy transmission in the body.


Function- The body consists of between 75 and 85% water.   Essential component of all systems in the body. It forms the ultimate mediator between the body and its environment

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