5 Small Ways To Make It Big In Farming Business


5 Small Ways To Make It Big In Farming Business

No one goes into farming with the intention to fail. A typical farmer wants to be rich through farming. And it is possible to end up being rich through farming. Many things can be done to really make it big in farming, but I am going to share with you 5 small ways to make it big in farming.


1. Add Value.
Make it a point of duty to keep adding value to whatever you do on the farm. Don’t just make aim to sell chicken, make aim to raise real good chicken that any customer can be proud of. Don’t just produce eggs, make it real big and good looking eggs that will attract buyers.
2. Make Human Connections.

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Try and know as many people as possible. Don’t be a reclusive farmer and die in obscurity. Interact with people. People are your customers. The more people you know, the easier for you to market your farm products.

3. Make Small Impressions.

Be nice to people. Be nice to your staff. Do things that will endear people towards you. Be a friendly farmer. Let your management style has a human face. Find little ways to be a blessing to your staff all the time. Believe me, love works!
4. Be Like a Child Again.


Be a curious farmer. Ask questions.Seek to know as many things as possible from people you meet in the course of your farming activities. Carry a small notebook with you always where you can jot down little useful information here and there.

5. Put Extra Effort.

Push yourself to give your best to make your farm do well. Stay a little bit late with your flock and come a little bit early. Just when you are about to close for the day, snatch some few minutes to move round your farmdo well.

Stay a little bit late with your flock and come a little bit early. Just when you are about to close for the day, snatch some few minutes to move round your farm again for things you can correct or improve. Those little extra efforts will definitely pay off!


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