3 Big Things For Farmers Today


3 Big Things For Farmers Today

Below are the three big things for farmers today

  • 7 Tips for Young Farmers to Succeed in Farming
  • Wisdom for 21st Century Farmers Episode 1
  • Two unconventional business wisdom for farming success

7 Tips for Young Farmers to Succeed in Farming

When you’re just starting out farming business, the process can be overwhelming if not properly planned out at the initial stage. There are different areas you need to keep track to stay on top of everything. Here are a few tips for managing your operation and becoming more effective. READ ON HERE


Wisdom for 21st Century Farmers Episode 1

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I am wanting to encourage farmers to know that in every situation in life and business, there are always positive and negative aspects to them all. ALWAYS.


Many people fixate only on the negative aspects and ultimately become victims. But some discerning ones focus on the positive aspects and become the kings of their circumstances.

READ ALSO: FrieslandCampina WAMCO launches ‘Dairy4Growth Nigeria’ Project, 

Where do you belong here? Well, I am pleasantly persuading you to camp with the positive people and take the advantage of the present situation in the farming industry and general business environment to move forward and upwards. YOU CAN DO IT.

You should not allow the pains READ ON HERE

Two unconventional business wisdom for farming success

To succeed in any business, you need wisdom. Wisdom is the principal thing. Wisdom makes the world go round. Wisdom makes the face of a man to shine and keep shining! I will share below 2 unconventional business wisdom that can make a farmer to succeed and keep succeeding in the farming business.


That is, have the beginner’s mindset. You should never think you have arrived in the farming business. Always assume that you are a beginner who is very much eager to learn. This frame of mind will take you far. When you behave as if you have arrived, you will begin to feel too big to learn the basic things that can still help you to succeed the more in the farming business. Business is dynamic, READ ON HERE

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