Register For Tokunbo Abiru Small-Holder Poultry Farmers Scheme 


 Register For Tokunbo Abiru Small-Holder Poultry Farmers Scheme 


The Senator representing Lagos East Senator District is set to empower small-holder poultry farmers in his district in partnership with Nigerian Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA).


As part of his continued effort to uplift the status of farmers, Senator Abiru is facilitating the giving of small poultry farmers between 40 birds, provide them with Feeds, drugs and cages free of charge.

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In line with the plan according to information made available, after nurturing the birds for 12 weeks, the project provides a guaranteed off-takers (buyers) as a sustainable 100% support for the home poultry farmers.

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It will be called that earlier in June 2022, Senator Tokunbo Abiru empowered farmers with the distribution of Hand-planters to about 200 farmers, along with financial grants of N20,000 each.

How to apply the Small-Holder Poultry Farmers Scheme Click:

Entries close: 4th October, 2022

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