How To Calculate Pond Size For 1000 Adult Catfish



How To Calculate Pond Size For 1000 Adult Catfish



To house 1000 mature catfish in a pond, use a pond with 5m length, 3m width and 1.5m depth.

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This dimension is enough to hold about 10,000-12,000 litres of water which is the amount of water you need to keep 1000 catfish in a pond. You need about 10-12 litres of water for each fish.



*** Note that this is a rectangular pond and the dimension may be different for other shapes.

Now, let’s do the maths…

Length – 5m

Width – 3m

Depth – 1.5m

First we need to calculate the volume of the pond if we fill it with water to the brim.

Volume = length x width x depth

Volume of pond = 5 x 3 x 1.5 =18m3

Convert the volume to litres by multiplying it by 1000.

Pond in litres = 18 x 1000 = 18,000 litres

Now, let’s say you fill the pond with water to 2/3 of it’s total volume.

That means, the volume of water in the pond is 18,000 x 2/3 = 12,000 litres (equivalent to the volume of water we need for 1,000 fishes)

Mind you, this calculation is for 1000 catfish at maturity.

Now, let’s do some calculations for pond sizes for fingerlings.

READ ALSO: 7 Reasons Why Your Catfish Are Not Eating

Pond Sizes For Fingerlings and juveniles

Each fingerling needs about 4-5 litres of water in the pond.

So, if you have;

1,000 litres pond: This will hold about about 200-250 fingerlings. As the fish grow bigger, you need to sort them and continue to reduce their number in the pond. At maturity, you should have about 80-100 catfish in the pond. Ensure that you don’t overstock your ponds so that it does not lead to stunted growth.


2000 litres pond: This will contain 400-500 fingerlings. If you are growing them to table size, then you will have about 160-200 fish in the pond. This will provide enough room for the fish to grow.


5000 litres pond: This pond will take up to 1000-1250 fingerlings. However, you must continue to sort them as they grow to table size. Remember that stunted growth is real and the health of your fish is also very important.



In conclusion, a pond must be able to hold water and sustain favorable conditions for fish production.


The pond should allow you to perform your managerial duties (such as harvesting and feeding) effectively, with relative ease and safety.


Also, you must consider the size of the pond as it directly affects the growth of the fish. If it is to small, then it may result to the stunted growth of the fish.


Generally, poorly constructed ponds will result in poor fish production yields and sales returns.



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