14 facts some farmers may not know about Newcastle disease in poultry 


14 facts some farmers may not know about Newcastle disease in poultry 


1. Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral disease that affects birds, specifically poultry.



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2. It is caused by the Avian Paramyxovirus Type-1 (APMV-1).



3. The disease is spread through direct contact with infected birds, their feces, or secretions.


4. It can also be transmitted through contaminated feed, water, equipment, and clothing.


5. Newcastle disease can infect a wide range of bird species, including chickens, turkeys, ducks, and pigeons.


6. The disease can cause respiratory, nervous, and digestive system problems in birds.


7. Infected birds can experience coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, diarrhea, and reduced egg production.

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8. In severe cases, Newcastle disease can lead to death in affected birds.


9. There is no cure for Newcastle disease, and the best way to control it is through prevention.


10. Vaccination is the most effective method of prevention against the disease.


11. The vaccine should be administered at the appropriate time to ensure that birds are protected.

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12. Proper biosecurity measures should be put in place to prevent the introduction and spread of the disease.


13. These measures include limiting visitors, disinfecting equipment and clothing, and isolating sick birds.


14. Early detection and reporting of the disease are vital to prevent its spread to other flocks.

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In summary, Newcastle disease is a highly contagious viral disease that affects birds, and it can cause respiratory, nervous, and digestive system problems in poultry. The disease is spread through direct contact with infected birds, their feces, or secretions, and it can be prevented through vaccination and proper biosecurity measures. Early detection and reporting of the disease are essential to prevent its spread to other flocks.



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