8 recommendations for pig deworming 


8 recommendations for pig deworming 


Here are eight recommendations for pig deworming with a full explanation:



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1. Use a fecal egg count: Before deworming, it is important to perform a fecal egg count to determine the parasite load in the pigs. This will help to choose the appropriate dewormer.



2. Rotate dewormers: Rotate dewormers to ensure that the parasites do not develop resistance to a particular product. Use a different class of dewormer each time.

3. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding dosage, administration, and withdrawal times.

4. Deworm all pigs at the same time: Deworm all pigs in the same pen at the same time to prevent re-infection.

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5. Practice good hygiene: Practice good hygiene, such as cleaning and sanitizing equipment, to prevent the spread of parasites.


6. Provide good nutrition: Provide pigs with a balanced diet to maintain good health and immunity.


7. Practice pasture management: Practice good pasture management, such as rotating pigs through different pastures and removing manure, to reduce parasite load.

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8. Monitor for re-infection: Monitor pigs for re-infection and repeat deworming as necessary.

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By following these recommendations, pig owners can effectively manage parasite loads and maintain their pigs’ health.



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