8 Nutrition based diseases of poultry and what to do



8 Nutrition based diseases of poultry and what to do


Nutrition-based diseases in poultry can arise from deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in the diet. Here are some common nutrition-based diseases in poultry and their prevention/management strategies:



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1. Vitamin A deficiency: Causes: Insufficient vitamin A in the diet. Effects: Impaired vision, weakened immunity, and reproductive issues. Prevention: Provide vitamin A-rich feed ingredients like marigold extract or vitamin A supplements.



2. Rickets: Causes: Calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency. Effects: Weakened bones, stunted growth, and increased mortality. Prevention: Ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D3 levels in the feed.

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3. Fatty Liver Syndrome: Causes: Excessive energy intake, obesity. Effects: Fatty liver, reduced egg production, and increased mortality. Prevention: Manage feed energy levels, ensure adequate exercise, and monitor bird weights.

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4. Hypocalcaemia (Laying Hens): Causes: Calcium deficiency during peak egg production. Effects: Weakened bones, eggshell quality issues. Prevention: Provide adequate calcium supplements, especially during peak laying periods.

5. Methionine deficiency: Causes: Insufficient methionine in the diet. Effects: Poor feathering, weakened immunity, and reduced growth. Prevention: Include methionine-rich feed ingredients or supplements.


6. Selenium deficiency: Causes: Insufficient selenium in the diet. Effects: Weakened immunity, reproductive issues, and increased mortality. Prevention: Provide selenium-rich feed ingredients or supplements.

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7. Vitamin E deficiency: Causes: Insufficient vitamin E in the diet. Effects: Weakened immunity, reproductive issues, and increased mortality. Prevention: Include vitamin E-rich feed ingredients or supplements.

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8. Biotin deficiency: Causes: Insufficient biotin in the diet. Effects: Poor feathering, weakened immunity, and reduced growth. Prevention: Provide biotin-rich feed ingredients or supplements.


To prevent nutrition-based diseases in poultry:

– Formulate balanced and nutrient-rich feed

– Monitor bird health and performance regularly

– Adjust feed formulations as needed based on bird age, health, and production stage

– Provide access to clean water and adequate foraging opportunities

– Consult with a veterinarian or poultry nutritionist to address specific issues or concerns

Remember, a well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining the health and productivity of your poultry flock.


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