The Best Treatment for Fowl Cholera


The Best Treatment for Fowl Cholera


Treatment for Fowl Cholera


Treatment for Fowl Cholera is a difficult task due to there are 11 genera in Pasteurellaceae Family. this produces disease all over the world. But, there is an effective treatment of fowl cholera is now available due to some synthetic antibiotics that have been developed in recent years.

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What is Fowl Cholera?

Fowl cholera is an acute, contagious disease-causing heavy mortality caused by Pasteurella multocida. sometimes chronic forms also Occur. Luis Pasteur was the first to attenuate this organism in 1990 and make the first vaccine in the world. By developing bacteriology, some drugs have been discovered which is easily killed the organism and it is the best option for fowl cholera treatment.

The best antibiotics for Fowl Cholera

The best treatment for fowl cholera depends on the best choice of antibiotics. The superior antibiotics for treating fowl cholera are-


Oxytetracycline long acting Injection




Colistin Sulphate


1. Oxytetracycline long acting Injection

It is derived from the tetracycline. Mode of action of the oxytetracycline (OTC) is inhibition of protein synthesis of bacteria and subsequently killed the bacteria .

This is a two from Short actiing Oxytetracycline and Long acting oxytetracycline.

Short actiing OTC is less powerful compared to Long acting OTC.


Why Long acting oxytetracycline for Fowl cholera?

Aqueous solutions of oxytetracycline chelated with magnesium ion were prepared using 40% 2-pyrrolidone. These solutions were well tolerated when injected intramuscularly.

This solution is released slowly and killed the bacteria for longer period of time. There is less change to get bacteria resistance.


Dose and route of administration

Dose of long acting (LA) for fowl cholera treatment is 30-50 mg/kg body weight.

Route of administration must be followed by subecuteneous route not intramuscularly For 5-7 days after one day interval.

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2. Florfenicol

It is a bacteriostatic antibiotic that belongs to the family of is another excellent antibiotic medicine for fowl typhoid.

Generally, it is found in two from for poultry. Oral form which is powered form and is Injectable form at 40% solutions.


Dose and Adminstration

The recommended dose varies from oral to the parental route. In the oral route, it can use as an oral solution 10-20% and does at 30-40 mg/ kg body weight.

In parental route 10-20 mg/ kg body weight for the long-acting florfenicol 40% concentrate.


3. Norfloxacin

It is a synthetic, broad-spectrum antibiotic with bactericidal activity that originated from the fluoroquinolone group. It has strong bactericidal activity on fowl cholera infection in poultry.

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Mode Of Action

It rapidly inhibits DNA synthesis by promoting cleavage of bacterial DNA in the DNA-enzyme complexes of DNA gyrase and type IV topoisomerase. resulting in rapid bacterial death. (1-3) As a general rule, gram-negative bacterial activity. fowl cholera is gram-negative bacteria and this antibiotic acts perfectly on fowl cholera.


Dose And Administration

According pharmacopeia,, dosages of Norfloxacin is 10-15mg/kg body weight against Fowl cholera. It is the medicine for drinking water medication. Injectable formulation items is the available at this times.


There are several types of solutions found in the market from 10-30% With different dosages. It is supplied to Poultry according to manufacture guidelines.


4. Gentamycin

It is a broad-spectrum, bactericidal, well-tolerated aminoglycoside antibiotic that is effective on most gram-negative bacteria and some gram-positive bacteria especially fowl cholera infection in poultry.


Mode of Action

gentamycin work by binding to the bacterial 30S ribosomal subunit, causing misreading of t-RNA, leaving the bacterium unable to synthesize proteins vital to its growth. thereby killed the fowl cholera germ known as Pasteurella multocida.


Dosages and administration

dosages of Gentamycin is 10-20mg/kg body weight to killed pasteurella multocida which is causal agent of fowl cholera.. There are several types of solutions found in the market from 10-20% which is powder and injectable form.

Water medication dose at 10-20 mg/kg body weight and 5-10 mg/kg body weight to parenteral route for killing fowl cholera germ. With deferent dosages from. There are mainly two It is supplied to Poultry according to manufacture guidelines.

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Colistin is a polymyxin antibiotic produced by the soil bacterium bacillus polymyxa. It acts as a last resort for gram-negative bacterial infections in POULTRY, humans, and other animals. It is another antibiotic for the fowl cholera.


Mode of Action

Colistin interacts with the lipid A of lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) on the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria and displaces the calcium and magnesium bridges that stabilize the LPS. Subsequently, colistin permeabilizes the bacterial outer membrane and disrupts the integrity of the inner membrane, ultimately causing cell death.

Dose and administration

Colistin is recommended at 60000-80000 IU/kg through drinking water the depends on infection type by fowl cholera.



It is an antibiotic, a semisynthetic cephalosporin of the third generation. It is bactericidal against a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria but limited active on Gram-positive and by inhibiting the mucopeptide synthesis in the bacterial cell wall in poultry. It is the finest and latest drug to treat fowl Cholera.

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Mode of Action

Ceftriaxone act as a bactericidal activity that results from the inhibition of bacterial cell wall synthesis.

It has a high degree of stability in the presence of lactamases produced by Gram-negative

and Gram-positive bacteria


Dose And Administration

For the fowl cholera, which is affected mainly in adult birds, it gives at 10-50mg/kg body weight according to the number of mortality.




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