My layers egg production dropped drastically and they are sleeping: causes and what to do 


My layers egg production dropped drastically and they are sleeping: causes and what to do 


A drop in egg production and excessive sleeping in layer birds can be caused by various factors. Here are some potential causes and solutions:



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1. Stress: Stress can cause a decline in egg production and lethargy.

2. Disease: Infectious diseases like Infectious Bronchitis, Egg Drop Syndrome, or parasites can affect egg production and behavior.

3. Nutritional deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, or vitamins can impact egg production and overall health.

4. Environmental factors: Extreme temperatures, humidity, or drafts can cause discomfort and affect egg production.

Invest in this knowledge-packed ebook promptly. 👉 39 fundamentals for poultry broiler production management

5. Molting: Birds may stop laying eggs during molting (feather shedding and replacement).

6. Lighting: Inadequate lighting or sudden changes in lighting schedules can affect egg production.

7. Water quality Poor water quality or inadequate water supply can impact egg production.

READ ALSO Common Diseases that Affect Egg Production and How to Prevent Them

8. Parasites Internal or external parasites like mites, lice, or worms can cause stress and affect egg production.


1. Check for diseases: Consult a veterinarian to rule out any underlying diseases.

2. Balance their diet: Ensure a nutritious and balanced feed, and consider supplementing with calcium, vitamins, and minerals.

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3. Improve environmental conditions: Ensure a comfortable temperature range, adequate ventilation, and dry bedding.

4. Provide adequate lighting Ensure 14 hours of light and 10 hours of darkness, with a gradual transition to avoid stress.

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5. Ensure access to clean water Provide fresh, clean water at all times.

6. Manage molting Consider inducing molting to synchronize the process and minimize the impact on egg production.

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7. Control parasites: Implement a parasite control program, including regular cleaning and disinfection.

8. Reduce stress Minimize changes, provide enrichment activities, and ensure adequate space and ventilation.

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Consult a veterinarian or poultry expert to determine the underlying cause and develop a plan to address the issue and support your layer birds’ health and productivity.


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