3 Big Things Today For Farmers, 2nd, December 2021


3 Big Things Today For Farmers, 2nd, December 2021

Below are the three big things for farmers today

  • How to Get Rid of Snakes on Your Farm

  • [MUST READ] 6 Reasons Why Some Farmers Fail

  • Check out the Full List of Agric Products and others that Remain Banned from Being Imported


1. How to Get Rid of Snakes on Your Farm

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As we move more into the hot and dry season, snakes become more serious problems for farmers, especially the ones keeping livestock.


One of the first thing to do to get rid of snake on your farm, is to remove sources of shelter for snakes, including coiled hoses, firewood piles, tall grass, dense brush, and open areas under sheds and outbuildings. Keep grass cut very low

Snakes in your chicken pen can pose a real problem because most snakes will eat chicken eggs, day old chicks.

To get rid of snake around your Poultry Pens, address the underlying problems. For example, if you have mice (rats) in your farm, snakes like to feed on rats. So you; Read on here

2. [MUST READ] 6 Reasons Why Some Farmers Fail

People don’t just fail. People fail because they fail do certain things that they ought to do. The farming industry is replete of many farmers who have given up. Let’s quickly explore the six vital reasons why they failed.

1. They are absent. Absentee farmers will always fail. To succeed in farming, you must be around your farm most of the time one way or the other.

2. They do it alone. Those who do the farming business just by themselves without meaningful and proper interactions with farmers that matters will pack up sooner or later. No one can succeed alone. A smart farmer knows that there are webs of interactions with farmers, vets, nutritionists and other notable professionals that will make farming successful.

3. They like cheap inputs instead of going for quality. A cheap mentality at the expense of productivity will always lead to frustrations. When a farmer is fanatical about cheap inputs, he is digging his business grave. READ ON HERE


3. Check out the Full List of Agric Products and others that Remain Banned from Being Imported

The Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Hajiya Zainab Ahmed disclosed the reopening of the four borders after the 28th virtual Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting presided over by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo at the Council Chamber of State House, Abuja.

The minister said that the remaining ones will be reopened on or before Thursday, December 31 and noted that the ban on importation of rice, poultry, among others remained enforced despite the reopening.

26 items that remain banned from being imported into Nigeria, according to Nigeria Customs Service, these are; Rice, Live or dead birds like frozen poultry; Pork and beef, Bird’s eggs, READ ON HERE

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