How to Prepare Organic Fertilizer With Ripe Bananas and other Ingredients


How to Prepare Organic Fertilizer With Ripe Bananas and other Ingredients


Organic Fertilizer makes food crops safer for human consumption and also protect our environment

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Ingredients and equipment

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Ripe Bananas


Pigeon peas

Fresh cow dung

Cow Urine

Soil from the farm

Sizable container depending on the quantity to be prepared

To prepare the organic manure,

mix 5kg of ripe banana,

Add 5kg of pigeon pea, powdered

Add 5kg of fresh cow dung,

then top it with 10 liters of cow urine,

And a handful of soil from the farm and water.

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“After mixing all of this in a drum, the mixture should be stirred both clockwise and anti clockwise for 20 times then allowed to ferment for 23 days before use on the farm

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