Top Mistakes New Pig Farmers Make part one


Top Mistakes New Pig Farmers Make part one


It’s important to be aware of the common mistakes that many new owners make.


These mistakes can include not feeding the pigs properly, not taking care of their living area, or neglecting important aspects like heating and temperature control during winter for piglet births. With a little knowledge and preparation, you can easily avoid these mistakes.

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In this article, you will find important tips and guidance to help you take care of your pigs and avoid these common mistakes.


By following these tips, you’ll be able to give your pigs the proper care they need and have a successful experience as a pig owner.


1. Research And Knowledge About Pigs

Lack Of Research About Pigs

One common mistake new pig owners make is not making sufficient research on what pigs are, how to raise them, and what it means before bringing one home.


Pigs are unique creatures with specific needs, physical characteristics, and behaviors that should be understood before deciding to buy and raise them. Unlike dogs, cats, horses, or other animals, pigs possess distinct instincts and may present certain challenges.

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The lack of research about the animal itself can create unrealistic expectations and lead to disappointment, and may even cause the new owner to question the suitability of these animals.

Insufficient Research On The Specific Pig Breed

There are numerous types of pigs, and what new pig owners sometimes overlook is conducting research on them.

Each pig breed is unique and has different behaviors, needs, and physical characteristics. Furthermore, each breed offers distinct qualities and end products. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the various breeds and choose one that aligns with your specific goals.


For example:

– Do you want a pig with a larger litter size and excellent mothering skills? Then, you can closely take a look at the Large White pig, which is known for having these qualities.

– Do you want one with a faster growth rate? Research breeds like Hampshire pigs, Landrace pigs, and Yorkshire pigs.


– Do you want lean meat or one with fat content? For extremely lean meat, the Piétrain pig can be explored. For well-marbled meat with lots of fat, you can take a look at the Mangalica pig.

Overall, avoid this mistake by taking the time to inform yourself about the available pig breeds while considering your ultimate goal.


Not Learning About Pig Diseases And Common Health Issues

Another aspect that new pig owners often ignore is learning about pig diseases and common health issues.


But why is this important? Once you become a pig owner, you have to ensure the health of your pigs and be able to identify when they are ill or unwell.


Having knowledge about diseases and health issues makes it easier to recognize symptoms and allows you to take immediate action and measures.

Early detection of illness in pigs can have significant benefits, including:

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Saving your pig from severe illness or even death by providing prompt and appropriate treatment.

Preventing the spread of diseases to other animals. Given that pigs live all in the same place, the rapid spread of a virus or infection among them can cause serious harm. No pig owner wants to see multiple pigs fall sick.

By familiarizing yourself with the most common pig diseases and those specific to the breed you own, you will be better prepared to take action against pig diseases and health concerns, ultimately minimizing losses.

Be prepared and take the time to read about the common pig diseases, their symptoms, and what to do in the initial phase.


2. Buying The Pigs

Jumping Into Buying Breeding Pigs

Why is it a mistake for a new pig owner to buy breeding pigs instead of feeder pigs?


The main reason is the lack of experience. When you first become a pig owner and start raising pigs, it’s not recommended to jump directly into breeding these animals.


As a new pig owner, your initial focus should be on familiarizing yourself with pigs in general.


Feeder pigs provide a great opportunity to get practical experience and learn how to take care of pigs, manage them, and understand their needs. Working with feeder pigs also allows you to see whether you truly want to breed pigs on your own in the future.


Also, breeding pigs are more expensive to purchase and requires more effort to raise. Taking on the responsibility of breeding pigs right away can be very difficult, especially for someone new to pig ownership.

Feeder pigs, on the other hand, require a lower level of maintenance. This allows you, as a novice, to learn the basics of pig care and husbandry without adding the complexities, difficulties, and responsibilities that come with pig reproduction.


Buying Too Many Pigs

Many new pig owners are so excited and often make the mistake of purchasing too many pigs right from the start. This can quickly become a problem for the new owner. Too many pigs from the beginning lead to a lot of workloads.


Each pig requires proper attention, space, feeding, and healthcare, making it difficult for an inexperienced owner to effectively manage them all at once.


To avoid this common mistake, it is recommended to begin with just two pigs initially. This allows you to gradually learn and become familiar with the daily tasks and responsibilities involved in pig care.


By starting small, you can easily adjust to the workload without becoming fatigued or stressed right from the beginning. Once you feel more confident and comfortable in managing two pigs, you can then consider adding more pigs to your herd.

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Underestimating The Size Of Pigs

For various reasons, new pig owners make the mistake of underestimating the size of the pigs.

When they are piglets, they appear incredibly small, making it difficult to imagine just how large pigs can grow. This is completely understandable for those without firsthand experience. Still, it is important not to be deceived by their small appearance as piglets.


Even though pigs are classified into small, medium, and large sizes, they can become quite massive.


Take, for example, the Large Black pig breed. The piglets of this breed can fool anybody, as they may seem small and manageable. But these small piglets quickly develop into massive Large Black pigs with a weight ranging between 700 to 800 lbs.


Large Black piglets

Try not to fall into the ‘cuteness’ trap and be aware of the potential size that pigs can reach.


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