10 reasons why my rabbits are having abortions 


10 reasons why my rabbits are having abortions 


1. **Bacterial Infections:** Pathogenic bacteria like Pasteurella multocida or Escherichia coli can cause uterine infections in rabbits, leading to abortions. Antibiotics may be necessary to treat such infections.



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2. **Viral Infections:** Diseases like Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) or myxomatosis can cause abortions in pregnant rabbits. Implement proper vaccination protocols to prevent these viral infections.



3. **Parasitic Infestations:** Internal parasites such as Eimeria or Encephalitozoon cuniculi can affect the reproductive system, leading to abortions. Regular deworming is crucial for preventing parasitic infections.

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4. **Toxic Plants or Substances:** Ingestion of toxic plants or substances during pregnancy can result in abortions. Remove any potential harmful plants or materials from the rabbits’ environment.

5. **Heat Stress:** High temperatures can stress pregnant rabbits, potentially causing abortions. Provide a cool and well-ventilated environment, especially during hot weather.


6. **Genetic Abnormalities:** Some rabbits may carry genetic abnormalities that lead to fetal development issues. Breeding practices and selection should be carefully managed to avoid hereditary problems.

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7. **Nutritional Imbalances:** Inadequate nutrition, including deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals, can impact fetal development and result in abortions. Ensure a well-balanced and nutritious diet for pregnant rabbits.


8. **Trauma or Injury:** Physical trauma or injury to a pregnant rabbit can lead to complications and abortions. Prevent situations that may cause harm to the rabbits.

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9. **Stress:** High-stress levels due to environmental changes, handling, or other disturbances can contribute to abortions. Minimize stressors in the rabbits’ living conditions.


10. **Hormonal Imbalances:** Hormonal disruptions or imbalances in pregnant rabbits can affect the development of the embryos and result in abortions. Consult with a veterinarian to assess and address hormonal issues.



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