Open Letter To All Farmers Part 1


Open Letter To All Farmers Part 1


Dear Farmers,

Times are getting harder in the farming business. The wise thing to do is to get smarter. Getting smarter means doing things that will help you change hard times to better times for your business. Getting smarter means doing better no matter the circumstances of the moment.



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One of the ways to get smarter in hard times in your farming business is to start buying right. Whatever you are buying that will go into your cost of production should be done with utmost attention and care. Don’t just buy anything without the mindset that it must be quality and must be bought at the best price possible.



You will need to develop a good eye for knowing quality inputs. You will need to develop the art of negotiation in getting the best deals always. You will need to know how to build great relationships with the credible suppliers of good and best priced inputs.

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You will need to know that farming is a business that needs the positive contributions of different kinds of players including input suppliers. The more you are able to develop positive relationships with credible inputs suppliers, the better you can leverage things positively to your advantage with mutual benefits.


Buying right will help you in many ways. A lot of farmers are groaning now because they are not buying right. Some are so attached to buying cheap inputs that they have compromised quality. In this case, things will keep getting harder for them. Some farmers are not exactly guilty of constantly going for cheap inputs no matter the quality, but they err in the area of attention. They are careless in ensuring that they get the best deals in their transactions with input suppliers. And of course, they will pay dearly for this down the line.


To buy right, you must be deliberate about many things. Do not compromise quality, but do not be careless in buying at higher prices than normal. And believe me, this is not the time to delegate carelessly. This is the time that you want to know what you are buying. You want to see what you are buying. You want to know that you are not being taken for a ride by unscrupulous suppliers and employees.


In conclusion, please note that certain inputs may be expensive but of high quality. I always recommend going for quality because down the line, you will discover that it is actually cheaper to use quality inputs than cheap inputs.



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